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Web Development-Full Stack and Front End

Front-End Web Development: Broken Down  What is Web Development?                          Before stepping into front-end web development, it is necessary to understand what web-development is.                                 A common misconception is that web development is limited to what we see on website we visit.This is something I believed up until recent times. This is a part of web development but not entirely it.When we do not know something or are unaware of things we tend to assume. The only place assumption works is in Physics. It took me a while to actually understand what it really is, and put my head into it.Once I learnt what it really deals with and I began to nullify my misconceptions about it, I really began developing a liking towards it. There may be many more, just like me with a similar misconception about web development, so, I have tried to break it down to what web development really comprises of.  Web development basically involves three parts, the front-end,

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