Web Development-Full Stack and Front End

Front-End Web Development: Broken Down 

What is Web Development?
                         Before stepping into front-end web development, it is necessary to understand what web-development is.
                                A common misconception is that web development is limited to what we see on website we visit.This is something I believed up until recent times. This is a part of web development but not entirely it.When we do not know something or are unaware of things we tend to assume. The only place assumption works is in Physics. It took me a while to actually understand what it really is, and put my head into it.Once I learnt what it really deals with and I began to nullify my misconceptions about it, I really began developing a liking towards it. There may be many more, just like me with a similar misconception about web development, so, I have tried to break it down to what web development really comprises of. 

Web development basically involves three parts, the front-end, the back-end and Devops.
Front-end development usually involves the converting of data into a graphical interface and build an interaction between the user and the website.This usually involves the implementation of languages such as HTML,CSS and JavaScript
Back-end development usually focuses on databases, scripting and the architecture of websites.
Codes written by the Back-end developers are usually used for the interaction between the database and the web browser.
About 1/3rd of every web developer is a front-end web developer, the rest 2/3rd consisting of back-end developers. However there consists a set of web developers who identify themselves as a full-stack developers who work  on both fronts of a website, the front-end and the back-end.
This does not however confine a front-end developer to only the front end aspects of web development and a back-end developer to only the back-end aspects of web developments. It is a healthy practice for any developer to be aware of the working of the other end of development as well. 

HTML(Hyper Text Markup Language) : This is one fundamental programming language which is ought to be know by every developer, be it a front-end,back-end or a full stack developer. It is used to describe the content and to find the structures within a web-page.
The hypertext refers to the links that lead you to another website or a resource file from one website/application, and the markup is used to annotate the texts so that the computer can manipulate them. HTML basically consists of tags. Some tags are content tags which are used to identify different parts of the web-page. Some of the examples may include something such as headers(container for introductory content and navigable links),footers,etc.

DOM(Document Object Model): The DOM is the cross-platform language independent interface that treats a HTML document as a tree structure with each node representing a certain part of the document. DOM  is used for the structuring of the web-pages. In simple words, DOM is used to access various elements that are present on any web-page.

CSS(Cascading Style Sheets): This is an important language for a front-end web developer to get a look and feel of a site.It is used for describing and rendering of structured documents such as HTML.
The CSS is used for giving the user a very aesthetic experience and hence is used for the user experiences such as UX and it also provides various functionalities which aid in user interface(UI).
CSS makes the web-pages more interactive and user-friendly
The CSS basically contains a set of rules on how the DOM is translated into the visual form.
"The Cascading Style Rules", deals with prioritizing how the various styles are rendered on the web-page.

CSS is basically made up of 2 parts:

  • The first part defines the part of the page that is to be modified
  • The second part describes the styles chosen by the page and why it behaves in that manner.
CSS contains features such as performing calculations and other complex features that are contained in other languages as well. If you like designing and also love math, this language is my personal suggestion.
One key aspect to note on CSS is that it is constantly changing. Three major revisions have already been made. The third revision has been split up into independent modules such that they can be expanded with various functionalities if required in the future.Hence,we can conclude that this language is ever green, always evolving.

JavaScript: This is another very important language for a web developer to know.
JavaScript manages the client's(user's) interaction with the web browser. This is not only used by the front-end developers but also by a majority of the back-end developers. Almost half the back-end web developers use this on a day to day basis.
It interacts with the DOM, handling  events such as the loading and the unloading of media files.
Creation, modification and deletion of the various elements and aspects of a web-page comes under this.
Similar to the CSS, several revisions have been made, with a new version always on the horizon!
The major problem faced by most developers is that the revision of the JavaScript is to the latest and the most advanced version but certain, in-fact most browsers haven't been updated and equipped according to the standards of the latest JavaScript version. And hence this might cause browser support issues as the language has been matured much more rapidly than the browser could sustain.
The browsers can't usually keep up with the latest versions of the improvement and hence in-order to deal with this, most developers use a trans-compiler which converts the codes written in the newer versions of JavaScript so that they may run on the older versions of the web-browser.   

For a back-end developer, the JavaScript has been implemented on the server side through something called as the Node.js which is an implementation of the engine that runs in most web browsers called chrome V8. This allows the client(user) to use the JavaScript in unexpected ways such as accesing the file systems.
JavaScript is necessary to build sites as well as applications.


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